Z-machine Infocom interpreter for the TRS-80 model 3 & 4

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Included files

M4ZVM/CMD TRS-80 executable (128k required)
M4ZVM64/CMD TRS-80 executable 64K version
M3ZVM 180 gold.dsk (188 kB)
M3ZVM 180 princesse.dsk (Model 3, 40 track single sided drive, bootable) (188 kB)
M3ZVM 180 ztuu.dsk (Model 3, 40 track single sided drive, bootable) (188 kB)
M3ZVM 360 Sherlock.DSK (Model 3, 40 track double sided drive, bootable) (500 kB)
M4ZVM 360 BeyondZork.DSK (Model 4 128K, 40 track double sided drive, bootable) (500 kB)
M4ZVM 360 Bureaucracy.DSK (Model 4 128K, 40 track double sided drive, bootable) (500 kB)
M4ZVM 360 Trinity.DSK (Model 4 128K, 40 track double sided drive, bootable) (500 kB)
M4ZVM64 180 Princesse.dsk French (Model 4 64K, 40 track single sided drive, boot (250 kB)
M4ZVM64 180 ZTUU.dsk (Model 4 64K, 40 track single sided drive, bootable) (250 kB)
M4ZVM64 180.dsk (250 kB)
M4ZVM64 180_gold.dsk No Game (Model 4 64K, 40 track single sided drive, bootable (250 kB)

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